okoilo's website

uhuhuhuh hihi this is my wip website,,,, i have no idea what i'm doing so pls be nice....

oh.. also my name is okoilo.. u can call me whatever u like tho. this website is mostly for me to talk abt random things... (and also get a chance to learn coding and find cute pixels/graphics)
anyways... hope u enjoy your short visit!

this website does not work on mobile!!!! do not open it with your phone!! use a computer!!! pls!
your visitor number:

to do

  • finish title
  • do the other pages duh
  • find a pencil divider
  • fix cursor
  • finish button
  • finish main page (pretty much...)
  • add my


    update: it's working again!! thank goodness....
    i've noticed that the music player isn't playing and that some images are missing, i apologize for the inconvenience.... hopefully they'll be back soon since the file hosting website i use is down, hopefully for maintenance but i'm not sure... super sorry again! ________________ 29.06.2024
    added a music player..... it's kinda freaky tho.. ________________ 28.06.2024
    "about me" page up!! still a wip tho.... ________________ 27.06.2024
    added a visitor counter!
    added the lil cloud
    fixed cursor
    changed font
    blog updated!
    blog updated! ________________
    finished button!
    added an error page
    added a chatbox (leave a comment!!)



    hello everyone!! i try to keep my website light and thus don't discuss any heavy topics, but if you have a moment to spare, you should read this blog post from candy, a fellow neocities user. it discusses proship/lolicon culture and the real-life issues regarding these communities, as well as the common counterargument used by people who are part of these communities (especially lolicon communities), which is that "fiction doesn't affect reality". despite my sex-aversed asexuality, topics regarding sexulization in our society and its consequences interest me deeply. it's not a long read, around 5 minutes, so please give it a read! please remember to approach this topic with respect and to be considerate of others. thank you for reading!


    ehehe ordered a pierce the veil cd (collide with the sky) today... it should arrive late july, actually..... a bit long, but i can wait.. anyways, looking back, i probly should have ordererd a cd of selfish machines (also by ptv) since it has some really amazing songs... my personal faves are Disasterology and Million Dollar Houses (The Painter) but all songs are good!! instead, my fav songs from collide with the sky are I'm Low On Gas And You Need A Jacket and A Match Into Water, and of course the classic King For A Day. if you like heavy metal (i don't really know their genre, please forgive my ignorance if i'm incorrect,,,,, ) then i'd 100% reccomend them! please give them a listen

    (p.s. i luv that pixel cat hehe... if anyone has other sites where i can find more of them pls lmk!!)


    aaa hello everyone!! i'm really sorry for being inactive outta nowhere.. i was forced out of the sweet comfort of my room and the radiant glow of my monitor to go outside on holiday... buuuut i'm back!!! finally!! i'll keep working super hard on this website! already planning the "my art" page so stay tuned!


    i'm finding so many cute christmas graphics.... honestly, when the christmas season arrives, this whole site will get a makeover..... i even found this snowflake overlay!! i'm so excited hehe..

    oh, and if you're wondering when this website is gonna be finished? probably in like 20 years...... i'm working on it super hard tho!! i'm still a bit slow at this whole coding thhing... anyways, please stick around!! i've got some fun things planned i'll also be adding a resources page soon!!


    My Chemical Romance Cds came in today ehehe... the black parade one looks so cool, the general design of the cd is themed after the album.. it even comes with a poster... i'm so happy.... the three cheers for sweet revenge one is still pretty cool, but they could've matched the whole CD with the album theme...

    i love mcr's music so much, so i'm just happy i was able to get merch (kinda...) of them! (p.s. if you wanna know my favourite song, it's "i don't love you"! gerard's vocals are so expressive and the melody is amazing.. "House of wolves" is really great as well..)


    uhmm hii!! i've decided to make a website after experimenting a bit with html n css on tumblr it's been rlly fun so far tbh... i've enjoyed learning how to code in css in html, even though it's sometimes frustrating trying to figure out why your code isn't working...

    anyways, it's already june.. it's been getting hotter lately, and i'm not personally ready for summer yet...
    hope you all are keeping cool and safe!!  if you actually read this far, tysm and have an especially good day!